D-Shield 5 Gallons

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Deco-Crete Supply D-Shield 5 gallon Pail
Deco-Crete Supply D-Shield 5 gallon Pail

Dual functioning chemical reactive curing compound and water repellent with a low viscosity for better penetration on concrete substrates. Unique formulation provides superior water and salt resistance. 

  • Water-Based Formula
  • Resists Mold & Mildew
  • Easy to Use
  • Long-Lasting Protection
  • Will not change the color of the concrete
  • Minimizes damage due to water and salt water from de-icing road salts on freshly poured or existing unsealed concrete
  • Excellent penetration and adhesion to clean, unsealed new or old concrete
  • Meets cure & seal specs ASTM C-309, Type 1, Class A & B, and AASHTO Spec M-148


200 - 300 square feet per gallon


5 Gallon Pail

*Product requires direct signature upon delivery.

*Ships by Ground Service Only


Customer Reviews
"I used D-Shield to seal the concrete around our pool. It worked great! Went on very easy and now the water just beads off. I couldn't be happier" 


Additional Info

Recommended for use on new or existing unsealed pool decks, broom finish concrete & other unsealed porous concrete & masonry surfaces.

Concrete surface must be clean and free of all contaminants and water. Do not apply if rain is forecasted within 24 hours. Subsrate temperature and ambient temperature must be no less than 50 degrees F and not exceed 80 degrees F. 

Recommended Tools/Sprayers

D-Shield 5 Gallons - 5 Gallon



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