Customer Testimonials

Customer Service

"Your group of people were amazing. Everything went great from ordering to delivery. Your communication throughout the process was superb. If only more companies would follow your values, vision and ethics, work would be much easier." 

"Thank you so much for all your help! Great customer service truly goes a long way."

"I appreciate the reaching out. That kind of customer service doesn't exist everywhere." 

"It was a pleasure and gratifying to talk to you. You have helped me out immensely and I appreciate it." 

"Everything came out great! And if it wasn't for your great service, they would not have made it in time for the pour. Thanks again!" 

"I have to say that I've not seen a company so nice, helpful and understanding as you. I really appreciate it." 


"The sealer could have have worked any better. Awesome turn out. Will be using your sealer all the time." 

"The project turned out perfect! It was the perfect color combo with the granite color. Great Product!" 

"The stamp worked perfectly! Everyone that sees the project or pictures cannot believe that was even possible." 

"It worked out phenomenal. Super impressed with all your products!" 

"The stain worked out great!" 

"First time using Revival. VERY impressed. This turned out great and can't wait to use it again."

Ordering & Shipping 

"Deco-Crete was amazingly fast on preparing the shipment. The delivery was speedy. I never imaged these would even have been here already."

"Thank you for fulfilling the order and getting it delivered so quickly." 

"Shipping and delivery were nothing short of quick. Especially considering it was LTL!" 

"Deco-Crete for the win on shipping fast!" 

"Thank you for shipping out the concrete tube so promptly. I received it in just a couple of days." 

"Thank you for going out of your way to get this order 100% filled and shipped. It is greatly appreciated!" 




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